Transforme sua música!

Suba suas canções e ganhe visibilidade nas maiores plataformas globais de música.

Transforme sua música em sucesso!

Nós ajudamos artistas independentes a alcançar o mundo. Aprenda a registrar suas músicas e distribua em plataformas globais para garantir seus direitos autorais e maximizar seu alcance.

A record store display features numerous vinyl records organized in bins with labels like 'Indie Rock' and 'Punk/Hardcore.' Album covers are visible on the front of some records, while others are partially obscured. The background has shelves with more records displayed upright, and a sign that reads 'DJ Headquarters' is partially visible at the top.
A record store display features numerous vinyl records organized in bins with labels like 'Indie Rock' and 'Punk/Hardcore.' Album covers are visible on the front of some records, while others are partially obscured. The background has shelves with more records displayed upright, and a sign that reads 'DJ Headquarters' is partially visible at the top.
Seu som merece destaque.
Alcance o mundo musical.

Com nosso guia, você descobrirá como registrar suas músicas legalmente e escolher as melhores plataformas de distribuição, como Spotify e Apple Music, para que sua arte seja ouvida globalmente.

Transforme sua música

Aprenda a distribuir suas canções e proteger seus direitos autorais com eficiência.

A cozy music store filled with vinyl records and DVDs, featuring colorful graffiti on the walls. Shelves are lined with a vast collection of CDs and records in an organized manner. Soft lighting adds to the inviting atmosphere, and a few customers are browsing the selection.
A cozy music store filled with vinyl records and DVDs, featuring colorful graffiti on the walls. Shelves are lined with a vast collection of CDs and records in an organized manner. Soft lighting adds to the inviting atmosphere, and a few customers are browsing the selection.
Registro de Músicas

Saiba como registrar suas músicas legalmente e proteger seus direitos autorais.

Distribuição Global

Coloque suas músicas nas principais plataformas e alcance uma audiência global.

Maximize seu Alcance

Dicas para aumentar a visibilidade das suas canções e conquistar novos ouvintes.

Multiple cardboard boxes filled with vinyl records are organized on tabletops. Each box has handwritten labels indicating categories of music or artists, such as Bob Dylan, The Rat Pack, and Nina Simone. The setting appears to be an indoor market or music fair.
Multiple cardboard boxes filled with vinyl records are organized on tabletops. Each box has handwritten labels indicating categories of music or artists, such as Bob Dylan, The Rat Pack, and Nina Simone. The setting appears to be an indoor market or music fair.


Descubra como sua música pode brilhar globalmente agora!

An array of vinyl records are displayed on shelves in a record store. The covers feature various artists and albums from different genres, with notable titles and recognizable imagery. The display is organized into sections labeled 'Pop-Rock A' and 'Pop-Rock B à C'.
An array of vinyl records are displayed on shelves in a record store. The covers feature various artists and albums from different genres, with notable titles and recognizable imagery. The display is organized into sections labeled 'Pop-Rock A' and 'Pop-Rock B à C'.
An assortment of vinyl records displayed in cardboard boxes at a market stall. The records are organized into categories with handwritten labels indicating various music genres such as soul, jazz, rock, and pop. Visible album covers feature vibrant artwork and typography, including artists like King Curtis.
An assortment of vinyl records displayed in cardboard boxes at a market stall. The records are organized into categories with handwritten labels indicating various music genres such as soul, jazz, rock, and pop. Visible album covers feature vibrant artwork and typography, including artists like King Curtis.
Rows of vinyl records are displayed in a music store, categorized under various genres such as Rock/RnB and Classical. The shelves are filled with album covers featuring diverse artwork. The space is well-lit, suggesting an inviting atmosphere for browsing music enthusiasts.
Rows of vinyl records are displayed in a music store, categorized under various genres such as Rock/RnB and Classical. The shelves are filled with album covers featuring diverse artwork. The space is well-lit, suggesting an inviting atmosphere for browsing music enthusiasts.
A vintage-style record store filled with rows of vinyl records and CDs. People are browsing through the music collections, with walls adorned with posters and album art. The setting appears spacious, with a cozy and nostalgic ambiance.
A vintage-style record store filled with rows of vinyl records and CDs. People are browsing through the music collections, with walls adorned with posters and album art. The setting appears spacious, with a cozy and nostalgic ambiance.
Rows of vinyl records are tightly packed in a display rack, each encased in protective sleeves. The covers feature various colorful and artistic designs indicating diverse music genres.
Rows of vinyl records are tightly packed in a display rack, each encased in protective sleeves. The covers feature various colorful and artistic designs indicating diverse music genres.